Saturday, 8 November 2014

Music Opportunities at James Gillespie's High School

Today Miss Millar, a music teacher from James Gillespies High School, came to our P4-7 Assembly to tell us about all the exciting musical opportunities that are offered at the High School.  Cameron, an S3 pupil who is a member of the pipe band, told us all about what is involved in playing with the band.  The pipe band won fourth place in a competition last year and have played at lots of venues and events including at Murrayfield. Cameron piped everyone into the Hall and played us a tune.

Miss Millar was impressed by the number of Sciennes pupils who already play an instrument and she explained how children who play instruments in our school will be able to join bands at Gillespie's in the future.  She told us that if you don't yet play an instrument in S1, you can audition for a range of instruments.  She shared exciting news that Sciennes children can go to a free lesson with the pipe band at 3.45pm on Thursday 30th October at the High School (details will be emailed next week) to find out if they might like to take up a block of lessons.

Everyone was very impressed by the huge range of music opportunities available at James Gillespie's.

P7/S1 and S2/S3 Choirs

Miss Millar's enthusiasm was infectious and lots of pupils showed interest in the free taster chanter, pipes and drumming workshops on offer next week for P5-7 pupils. Those pupils who take up the taster session will be able to continue taking lessons for £10 for four weeks. Information to follow.

Here is a clip of Harry Potter Marimba percussion Miss Millar wants to share:

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