Monday, 30 March 2015

Studio to Stage: School Orchestra at the Queen's Hall

A wonderful opportunity for our children to participate in this showcase event, in a prestigious venue, celebrating young people's talents in music, drama and dance with schools from across the city. Our pupils were expertly prepared for the Resonate: Studio to Stage concert at the Queen's Hall on Monday 30th March by Mrs Campbell and they all made us truly proud, rising admirably to the occasion by performing one of the BBC Ten Pieces: Grieg's "In the Hall of the Mountain King." Pupils also performed "Greensleeves" and thoroughly deserved their rousing applause.

Many thanks to Lucy Vaughan (Principal Officer Creative Learning) and Carla Hay (Youth Music Initiative Projects Assistant) for inviting us to take part and to the huge behind-the-scenes team who provided such high quality sound and lighting, making everything run so smoothly. Thank you to Mrs Samanda Campbell who led and conducted the orchestra superbly, accompanied by Mrs Ruth McVicker on piano. Thanks also to Mrs Katherine Peace for escorting and playing alongside the pupils and to all the families who came along to support and celebrate the children's hard work and achievement. A lovely way to end the term and we look forward to hearing the Orchestra and other musical ensembles perform on May 13th at a showcase organised by the Parent Council.

Orchestra members with Lucy Vaughan, Principal Officer Creative Learning

Lucy Vaughan introduced proceedings and has been a great supporter of our BBC Ten Pieces projects

Saturday, 28 March 2015

BBC Ten Pieces at Sciennes

Have you checked out our Vimeo Videos? Our children have been engaging with the innovative BBC Ten Pieces classical music initiative in many ways throughout the year and here are a few video examples of some of their class work. (Alternatively, click on the VIDEOS button on our school website.)

Friday, 20 March 2015


Resonate: Studio to Stage at the Queen’s Hall

Monday 30th March 5.45pm for 6.30pm-9.00pm 

The Sciennes School Orchestra, conducted by Mrs Samanda Campbell, has been invited to perform at the Queen’s Hall on Monday 30th March. Resonate: Studio to Stage is an annual, highly regarded, event celebrating Expressive Arts in our city schools. Children will be seated in the audience until it is their turn to perform at approximately 8.00pm.

Pupils require to wear full school uniform: white shirt and tie, dark trousers and dark shoes and should meet Mrs Campbell and Ms Gallagher at the rear entrance at 5.45pm (or by 6pm at the very latest). The children will attend a rehearsal from 2pm until 2.30pm on Monday, and we expect to return to school by the end of the day but please be aware that there may be delays in rehearsing the programme.

Tickets for the event can be purchased at £4.00 each (£2.00 concessions) from the Queen’s Hall Box Office:

The Queen’s Hall Tickets & Information: 0131 668 2019 |
If you buy tickets in person or over the telephone, credit/debit card fees can vary.

Saturday, 14 March 2015


Grateful thanks to Amanda MacLeod, President of Edinburgh University Music Society (EUMS) and her colleagues for their fabulous weekly music workshops with P4C, captured here on Red Nose Day!

P5 Scottish Opera 2015


Scottish Opera will again work with all three P5 classes this year to stage a costumed production entitled "WARRIORS! THE EMPEROR’S INCREDIBLE ARMY". We are always amazed, as we are sure you will be, at the incredible production our friends from Scottish Opera manage to create in just one day.

Lyrics have been published on the tabs at the top of the P5 Class Page to help pupils become word perfect by 27th April, when they will receive an Advance Workshop to help them prepare for the big day.

The performance to families will take place on Wednesday 6th May when two adults per child will be invited to the Hall between 2.15pm and 2.45pm. Siblings will be invited to a dress rehearsal earlier in the day. Additionally, the children will receive a Chinese Language workshop on Monday 30th March, provided by the Confucius Institute.

National Youh Choir of Scotland (NYCOS) in P3B

P3B are enjoying their weekly NYCOS sessions with Ms Clark. We are developing our our voices and learning about rhythm. First we sang an action song called John Kanaka and moved round the circle to meet a new partner. Then we had to pass a hot potato around the circle in time with the song. We started to look at different rhythms and tried to crack the rhythm code. We are looking forward to next week!

BBC Ten Pieces in P3C

What an afternoon! Today we listened to one of the ten pieces put together by BBC, Mars by Holts. First we listened to the piece of the music, then we wrote down a feeling that we felt whilst listening and then we worked collaboratively in our house teams to create an art journey.

The mess at the end, oops!